Find My Phone

If you’ve misplaced your phone, or if you just need to check in with someone quickly, Alexa can help. Just say, “Alexa, dial my number” and your phone will start ringing. ..

The Find My Phone app can hold multiple phone numbers, so it’s useful for the entire family. The downside is that the Skill can’t increase your phone’s volume, so if your phone is on silent it loses some of its usefulness. ..

My Chef

My Chef is an app that can help you add items to your shopping list as you run out, but it can also remind you of the items you need when you are out at the grocery store. This app is great for people who want to be able to have everything they need when they go to the grocery store, and it can save them time and money.


Here are five recipes for the perfect cocktail, whether you’re a beginner or an expert:

  1. The Negroni: This classic drink is made with gin, tonic, and olive juice. It’s perfect for a quick and easy drink when you need to get out of bed early in the morning or when you’re feeling relaxed after a long night of partying.
  2. The Manhattan: This drink is made with rye, sweet vermouth, and bitters. It’s perfect for a night out with friends or for making an elegant presentation at a dinner party.
  3. The Cosmopolitan: This drink is made with orange juice, mint extract, and sugar syrup. It’s perfect for a refreshing summer day or as an after-dinner digestif that will keep you energized all night long.
  4. The Martini: This classic cocktail is made with dry vermouth, brandy, and peach brandy. It’s perfect for a romantic evening out or as the perfect pre-workout drink to help you power through your day without any sugar added!

The Bartender skill lets you make more than 12,000 cocktails. It’s a great way to experiment with making a drink you’ve never tried before, but if you only have a few ingredients on hand you can tell Bartender what you have and it will tell you what you can make.

7-Minute Workout

The 7-Minute Workout is a great way to get your workout in without spending hours at the gym. Each of these workouts takes only seven minutes, and you can do them at home or even on the go. ..

Sleep and Relaxation Sounds

Alexa has a skill that can help you unwind for the evening. This can help improve your sleep quality. ..

The Sleep and Relaxation Sounds skill can help you fall asleep more easily and stay asleep longer. It includes a variety of sounds that can help you relax, so you can get the best sleep possible.

Mayo Clinic

The Mayo Clinic has released a new Alexa skill called “Basic First Aid.” This skill can answer questions like how to handle scratches, bites, and CPR. However, keep in mind that this is only for instructional purposes and should not be used to replace professional medical help. ..

If you are in a serious situation and don’t know how to get help, the Mayo Clinic skill may be able to help you walk you through life-saving procedures until paramedics arrive.

Ask My Buddy

If you fall and cannot reach your phone, the Ask My Buddy skill can let someone know to send help. If you fall and cannot reach your phone, the Ask My Buddy skill can let someone know to send help. ..

NPR Hourly News Summary

The NPR Hourly News Summary is a five-minute briefing on the days’ news, updated every hour. It’s a great way to stay up-to-date on what’s happening in the world.

Today’s top stories:

  1. A deadly shooting at a Florida high school has left 17 people dead.
  2. President Trump is expected to announce new tariffs on Chinese goods.
  3. North Korea has released a new video of leader Kim Jong Un appearing to launch an intercontinental ballistic missile.
  4. The U.S. Senate is set to vote on the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court. ..


Alexa, the voice assistant, has a new skill that can help translate phrases from English into 37 other languages (and vice versa). Whether you’re learning a new language or you need to figure out how to say something on the fly, this Translated skill will help with even more obscure languages like Basque and Welsh. ..

If you want to learn a new language, the Translated skill is a great addition. It can help you understand words that you don’t understand the original way.

Guided Meditation

Guided Meditation can help you center yourself and regain a sense of control. Even if you don’t have time for a long meditation session, the Guided Meditation skill can still help.

The next time you feel overwhelmed by the events of the day, take a few minutes to sit back, close your eyes, and focus on breathing.

My favorite Alexa Skill is the one that tells me when I have an email notification.