Virtual reality gaming has taken off in recent years, with many people believing that this is all that virtual reality is good for. However, there are a number of interesting applications that make use of VR technology that go beyond just innovative gaming experiences. ..

  1. VR Worlds – This app is perfect for experienced gamers who want to explore a new world without having to worry about getting lost.
  2. The Gallery – This app is perfect for artists who want to create and share their work with the world.
  3. Mixed Reality Studio – This app is perfect for creative professionals who want to create mixed reality projects.
  4. Gear VR Worlds – This app is perfect for those who want to experience a new world without having to leave their Gear VR headset on.
  5. The Gallery VR App – This app is perfect for anyone who wants an easy way to access all of the different galleries that are available in the virtual reality world.

Virtual Desktop for Oculus Go

The Oculus Go is a new VR headset that Facebook has created. It is a standalone device that does not require a tethered VR headset to function. Many of the applications that were originally designed for the tethered Oculus Rift have been ported in one form or another to the Go.

One popular application is Virtual Desktop. Basically, it puts you into a virtual space and then replicates your desktop displays within that space. There’s a lot of reasons to do this.

Virtual reality (VR) is a new technology that allows people to experience a simulated environment, often called a “virtual reality world.” VR desktop software lets you use your computer’s graphics card to create a simulated environment in which you can view VR content. This means that you don’t have to use expensive equipment, like a headset and controllers, to experience VR. ..

Virtual reality is a growing trend that has the potential to change the way we interact with the world. With software like Oculus Rift, users can experience virtual worlds that are completely different from the ones we live in every day. However, there are some limitations to this technology. For example, it is difficult to use VR without a tethered headset and mouse and keyboard. This means that users must carry around a separate device for each activity they want to do in VR. Additionally, VR experiences can be enjoyed over an internet connection from anywhere in the world, but there is always a risk of latency and bandwidth issues. ..

Google Earth VR

But what about the world’s cultures? Google has been working on a project called “Cultural Heritage.” This project is designed to digitize and map the world’s cultures. You can see examples of these projects on Google Street View. For example, you can see a project called “The Maya Civilization” on Street View. This project is designed to show you how the Maya people lived and how their culture changed over time.

Google Earth has a full-on VR version that’s compatible with both the Oculus Rift and HTC Vive.

Google Earth VR lets you fly around the world, looking down into cities, soaring through canyons and experiencing the world as some sort of titanic god. The imagery on offer here is really an impressive achievement and it’s a fantastic educational tool, even if you don’t opt for the VR version.


This technology is being used more and more to create experiences that are truly unique, like the one I just experienced. With presence, you can really immerse yourself in a world and feel like you’re there with the characters.

Social VR apps have the potential to bring us a whole new social experience online. vTime is one of the most impressive examples of this VR app type. It’s a cross-platform application that lets people use VR and traditional 2D devices to hang out with each other seamlessly. They refer to it as a “cross-reality” platform, which essentially means people in the same virtual space will have different experiences.

VTime is a social network that lets users create and share avatars of themselves in different settings. From tropical islands to cosy fireplace lounges, VTime provides a space for people to connect with each other. Although avatars are only cartoonish representations of the users, VTime provides a convenient way for people to communicate and socialize. ..

Virtual reality is a technology that creates an immersive experience by using computer graphics to create a three-dimensional environment. While the effect may not be all that impressive using something other than VR, the surprising feeling of presence with a headset when using social apps like these really make you feel like this is something special. ..


VR is a new medium that still needs to be learned how to use effectively.

Creators have to invent new ways to subtly and effectively give people the experience they intended when making their content.

Henry is a VR animated short that is currently the best example of how to tell a story in VR. It’s a showcase title for the Oculus Rift, Oculus Go and Gear VR. Expertly rendered and designed, with Hollywood-levels of production quality, Henry shows what’s possible with VR and has yet to be topped.

The story of Henry is a charming one, but it’s just as important as a technical and artistic milestone and showcase. If you own the right VR gear and have never seen Henry, you need to rectify that right away.

Tilt Brush

VR has the potential to change how we consume content. By allowing users to use their unique qualities of VR to create content, it could be used more effectively and efficiently.

Tilt Brush is a new painting and VR 3D modelling tool that’s available for the Vive, Oculus Rift and Windows Mixed Reality headsets. It’s a great way to get creative and explore your creativity in new ways.

VR is a new way of looking at art, and it is glorious. You can explore the works of others in VR, and they will give you a new perspective on art. It’s a whole new way to approach art, and it is something that I am excited to experience.

VR – More Than Meets the Eye

As with any new medium, there are still many potential uses for television. It took decades from TV’s mainstream adoption to the pinnacle of modern day television. This is a new medium that is still being explored by creators and developers.

Virtual Reality has been around for a few years now, so it’s no surprise that there are already so many different VR apps. If you’re bored of playing VR games, there’s no need to put your headset away just yet. There are plenty more things to do! ..