Hackers are a real danger to users of devices like computers, smartphones and tablets. There exists an entire underground of so called “black hat” hackers that profit from exploiting vulnerabilities in systems and human psychology. Identity theft and direct monetary theft are two common drivers of these criminal hackers. ..

  1. You can’t access your account or the websites you rely on.
  2. Your personal information is missing or has been changed.
  3. You can’t sign in to your account or use the features on your favorite website.
  4. Your email and social media accounts are inaccessible.
  5. You can’t view your photos or videos online.

A Hacker Tells You

If you’re contacted by someone purporting to be the hacker, it’s important to ask them what they want from you and whether they have any information that could help your investigation.

If you’re not sure whether you’re being hacked, it’s best to take some basic steps to protect yourself, such as installing a security software program and using two-factor authentication.

If someone says they’ve hacked you, it’s best to be skeptical. One recent trick is to contact a person via email and then show them that their password for a specific account is correct.

The scammer is trying to scare you into giving them money or something of real use in order to gain access to your account. If they had access to your account they would demonstrate it in a concrete way (like encrypting your entire computer).

If you have any other accounts that use the same password, change them immediately. If you’re ever threatened with being locked out of your account or having your money taken, don’t let them get to you. Remember: never give money to these people. It will only make them stronger and more determined.

If you’re worried that your computer has been compromised, the first thing to do is to contact your service provider. If you’ve been a victim of ransomware, which encrypts your data and asks for money, then it’s important to cut your losses and wipe the machine. You should also keep your most critical info in something like Dropbox, which lets you roll back any changes for a long window period. ..

You Can’t Log In

If you can’t log in to your account or if your credentials refuse to work, it’s likely that someone has hacked into it and is using your information to gain access to other accounts or even your personal data. This could be a very serious situation and you should take steps to protect yourself by checking for any suspicious activity and reset your passwords if necessary.

If you can’t reset your password or activate two-factor authentication, the best course of action is to stay safe and avoid any potential online threats.

If your email account has been hacked and you have not set up any backup recovery options prior to it happening, you need to get in touch with the service provider immediately so that they can suspend the account and then verify your identity.

Activity That Wasn’t You

Twitter is a great way to communicate with your friends and family, but it can also be used to share sensitive information. If you’re not sure whether someone is messaging you because of something you tweeted or something else, it’s best to ask them directly.

That’s a pretty clear-cut sign that your account has been taken over. You can follow exactly the same advice as in the point above, but also be sure to post a notice on your social media accounts apologizing for the content and disclaiming yourself.

Your Browser is Being Rebellious

You may have noticed that your web browser is not working as it should. Your usual home page may not be there, and instead you see a new search engine that is waiting for you. When you try to visit your usual websites, the addresses and sites look different than they should. This strange behavior could be caused by a problem with your web browser or your computer. If you are not sure what is happening, you can check to see if there is any malware on your computer or if there are any changes in your internet connection that could be causing this problem.

Browser hijacking is a common technique used by hackers to gain access to other sites. When a browser is hijacked, you are redirected to fake versions of websites that are controlled by the hacker who created the malware. They can then capture your details and gain access to other sites such as online banking services using your name.

This is a bad situation to be in because the goal is to make money for the advertiser, not for you.

Next, you should try to identify the source of the problems. If you can’t find the problem, you should contact your computer manufacturer or software company to see if they have any suggestions.

After completing the normal uninstall process, you then need to use a malware removal tool such as Malwarebytes to clean out the infestation.

Your Device is Acting Strangely

If you’re noticing some of your devices are acting strange, it might be time to take a look at your computer. If it’s been slow and is now working at full capacity, that could be a sign something is wrong. If your battery runs out quickly or the mouse pointer moves on its own, that could also be a sign something is wrong. Additionally, if some of your devices stop working altogether, like your antivirus software, that might also be a sign something is wrong. ..

These signs point to outside interference, and suggest that a hacker has gained control of your system. They’re scary, but they also suggest that something is wrong.

If you can, run anti-malware and antivirus software.

If you have a device that has been affected by a hacker, the best option is probably to do a factory reset or complete wipe and reinstall of that system. You may even want to have the device cleaned by a specialist, to make sure that nothing remains on it that could open a window for the hacker again.

Your Webcam Lights Up When Not in


There are a few ways to protect yourself from webcam hacking. The first is to use a security software that encrypts your webcam traffic. The second is to use a virtual private network (VPN) to encrypt your internet connection and then connect your webcam to the VPN. The third is to use a firewall that blocks access to websites that could be used to hack into your webcam.

We want you to run a malware and antivirus software scan on your webcam. You should also see if the camera has been updated with a driver or firmware update. If so, you may be able to fix any security flaws that have been found.

If you have a webcam that can be turned off or disconnected, do not use it unless you are using it to video chat with someone. If you have a built-in camera, then stick to the sticky tape strategy.

Checking if You’re The Victim of

a Data Breach

When big companies who keep your data get hacked, it can often be years before that information is used against you. Often the companies don’t even know that its happened until the stolen data is put up for sale. Luckily, you can head over to Have I Been Pwned, which maintains a searchable database of all known data breaches. ..

If you have an email address associated with your account, you can check to see if your account has been compromised. If so, change all of your passwords and make sure to use a password manager to create strong passwords. ..

Hack This!

There are people out there who want to hurt you, and you don’t have to take it lying down. If you practice good security measures, you can often prevent any serious damage from happening.