1. Bixby (Samsung Only)

Bixby is a virtual assistant app that was first released by Samsung in 2016. While it was a bit of an annoyance to most Galaxy phone users at first, over the years, Samsung has continued to improve the software, adding more features and making existing ones better. Bixby is available on both Android and iOS devices.

Samsung’s Bixby assistant has some advantages over Google Assistant, such as better integration with Samsung phones. For example, you can access your phone settings directly with Bixby. ..

The Bixby voice assistant is a great addition to your home. It has many features that make it easier for you to do your everyday tasks, such as quick commands that let you use short phrases for common queries or Bixby routines. Additionally, if you have many SmartThings devices in your home, it’s easy to control them with Bixby.

Samsung’s Bixby is a voice assistant that can only be used on select Samsung devices. If you have one of these devices, you should give it a try. This is not the same buggy Bixby that launched all those years ago.

2. DataBot (Android & iOS)

A recent trend in Hollywood is to include witty artificial intelligence assistants in their movies. Siri and Google are much more grounded and subtle than Jarvis, but DataBot might scratch that Sci-Fi itch. ..

DataBot is a great virtual assistant that can do a lot of practical, valuable things. However, it’s mostly fun as an AI you can chat with, customize, and have fun with.

3. Robin (Android)

Robin is an “infotainment” voice assistant designed to be used in a car while you’re driving. Its features are primarily aligned with making your drive both safe and enjoyable. You can ask Robin to play personalized playlists, find parking lots, do Facebook stuff, and more. ..

Robin is still a beta app, so the odd bug is still to be expected.

4. Hound (Android & iOS)

SoundHound, Inc. is a music identification and AI voice assistant company. Hound is their showcase product, which uses SoundHound’s technology to identify music and provide a personalized experience. ..

Hound is a voice assistant that does most of the things other voice assistants do, but its real claim to fame is as a natural voice assistant. It can keep track of its conversations with you and understand the context. Therefore, using Hound is more conversational than you’re probably used to.

5. Sirius (Android & iOS)

Sirius is a chatbot that you can use to talk to people. It doesn’t do anything useful, but if you want to talk to someone without any expectations, it’s worth checking out.

6. Extreme (Android)

Extreme mentions of Jarvis and his creator in marketing materials suggests that there is a large and passionate Jarvis fandom out there. This app, DataBot, is trying to capitalize on this by providing an assistant that can help people capture and share their love for the character.

Extreme is a visual design tool that balances impractical movie UI graphics with something you would actually use.

Extreme can do a variety of things, like search the web for information about your interests, take a selfie to share with friends, and get updates on what’s going on with you.

7. Mycroft

Sherlock Holmes had a smarter brother named Mycroft. The Mycroft AI voice assistant is named both for Sherlock’s older brother, who was armed with a massive intellect and fantastic memory, as well as “Mike” HOLMES IV, an AI from Robert A. Heinlein’s book The Moon is a Harsh Mistress. ..

Mycroft is a super-smart AI assistant that is also Open Source and privacy-focused. Unfortunately, getting Mycroft isn’t as simple as visiting the app store, but you can buy dedicated Mycroft gadgets or install it on your own hardware.

iOS users are out of luck when it comes to using Mycroft, but if you have a Raspberry Pi, a Linux device, or an Android one, you can install Mycroft with some effort. Since Mycroft is open source, you can even customize it to your liking. ..

8. Alexa (Android & iOS)

Thanks for the Assist!

There are more virtual assistant apps being released all the time, and the ones we already have are getting smarter constantly. Many of them are being integrated into home automation systems, so you can control the technology in your house using just your voice or get information about what’s going on in your smart home just by asking. ..

The digital assistants listed above are just a few of the options that are available to consumers. There are others that aren’t sold directly to the public, like IBM’s Watson Assistant. This AI system is very intelligent and can help you in a conversation. It may feel weird talking to a machine, but rest assured they are here to help.