1. Try a different search engine: Google is great for finding information, but it can be a little limited when it comes to finding specific results. Try DuckDuckGo or Bing.
  2. Use a keyword: Another way to find specific results is to use keywords. This will help you find results that are specifically related to the keyword you’re looking for.
  3. Use a combination of keywords and search engines: Sometimes, using multiple keywords will give you more results than using just one. For example, if you’re looking for information about cars, try searching for “cars” and “car models” as well as “car brands” and “car prices.”

1. Think Like a Search Engine

When search engines index pages, they use various ways to decide how to classify and refer to various sites. They also have to decide how important pages are relevant to each other and how relevant they are to the specific things that you’ve searched.

Google uses a technology called PageRank. This determines how important websites are based on how many other sites link to it. So knowing this can help you? ..

The site or information you’re looking for is not as important to PageRank as you think. PageRank is only measuring how well a site ranks in comparison to other sites. The site or information you’re looking for is not at the top of the list of sites.

Google is constantly changing and refining how it determines results. While you don’t have to be a search engine expert to get effective results, it can be useful to read updates on the Google search algorithm. If you have some insight into how the search engine “thinks” it can help you figure out why you aren’t getting the results you expect with the search terms you’re using, this could be of help.

2. Think Like Other People

When we formulate search terms, we do it intuitively. Each person is going to have a unique way of phrasing things. They will use the vocabulary they’re comfortable with. There are a million ways to say the same thing and, depending on who you are individually, you may phrase something in a way that’s uncommon or different from the majority of people searching or writing about the topic.

If you’re looking for information about a different culture, you’ll have to do some research on the terms used by people from that culture and include them in your search. ..

Regardless of the topic, it’s always helpful to broaden your search by considering the human element involved. Try incorporating keywords that evoke a human response, like emotions or memories. ..

As an aside, you might want to use Google Translate to change your search phrase into another language if that’s relevant to your search. You might find something on the non-English web that has what you want.

3. Whip Out a Thesaurus

If you’re looking for synonyms for a word or phrase, a thesaurus can be a helpful tool. Try variations of the vocabulary you’re using in your search and see if they have any impact on the search results you get. ..

4. Search Around the Thing You Want

One way to find information about a subject is to search for related keywords and concepts. This can be done by looking at websites that are related to the topic, or by finding resources that are specifically related to the topic. If you don’t find what you’re looking for on these websites, you can try searching for things that are closely associated with the subject. By searching for related people, concepts and keywords, you might just pick up information dedicated to the subject you were searching for. One of those related pages could have a reference in it to an obscure resource that Google missed.

If you’re looking for something specific, combine the terms you’re already using to get a more specific result.

5. Play Charades With Keywords

If you can’t remember the name of the song, movie, book, or other media, you may need to find it using a search engine. For example, if you’re looking for “The Lord of the Rings,” you would type “Lord of the Rings” into a search engine and see what results are returned.

Google is a great search engine if you can remember all the things you know about something. If you can remember everything that’s known about a topic, then Google will spit out a list of results that includes The Neverending Story and other movies with flying dogs.

6. Use Something Other Than Google

Google is the most popular search engine, but you’ll get different results by using other search engines. This can help you find what you’re looking for more easily. ..

7. Ask Other People

Search engines are fantastic tools, but sometimes they can’t compete with the wisdom of crowds. This is especially true if you’re looking for information that’s obscure or specialized. It could be more straightforward and effective to tap into the human brain directly. ..

To get help with a specific task or question, look for online communities and discussion spaces that focus on the topic. You can also try sites like Quora or Reddit, where people who specialize in the subject may be able to help you out. Not everything is searchable on the web, so don’t write off asking for help from people directly! ..

The main problem with this result is that there are no guarantees that anyone will respond to your requests for information, and it could take a long time before anyone responds. Still, if you’re not getting anything on Google search, you might want to try looking on the web for help.

8. Learn the Technical Tricks

Google Search is a powerful tool that can be used to find information you need. However, there are some advanced tips you can use to take control of your search destiny. If you want to make the most of your Google search experience, be sure to familiarize yourself with these tips.

Google has a lot of features that you may not know about. If you need help with upgrading your Google search skills, check out 15 Google Search Features You May Not Know About and Advanced Google Searching Using Search Operators.

Google has been gradually changing the way its search engine works over the years, and as a result, some of your skills may not be as relevant as they once were. If you want to stay ahead of the curve and be one of the top Google experts, you’ll need to keep up with the changes. With these technical skills, you can do just that.