This tutorial covers different ways to see who viewed your Instagram story. You’ll also learn how to hide your stories from specific people.

Who Viewed Your Instagram Story? How to Check

Instagram Stories offer a great way to keep your followers engaged with your content. You can see who viewed your content and how people interacted with it, which can help you determine whether or not to continue posting.

You check who views your Instagram story on your profile and even 24 hours after it disappears.

Different stories on Instagram can have different viewers and view counts. So, if you uploaded multiple stories, select each story to check their viewers. Instagram records replays of your story. Hence, a story view count may be more than the number of viewers.

Your story has had 25 views, but only 16 people have seen it. This is because some accounts have viewed your story multiple times. ..

If someone liked your story, you’d see a red heart emoji in their profile picture. ..

If you have not seen this story yet, please check back later.

The story activity dashboard for Instagram Professional and Business accounts is slightly different and more advanced. An “Insight” tab shows you more information about your story activities, including the following:

  • The number of likes, shares, and comments your post has received
  • The number of followers you have
  • The number of likes on your post from people who are not followers of yours
  • The number of likes on your post from people who are followers of yours but have not commented yet

The histogram or chart icon in the top-right corner of the story activity dashboard lets you see a summary of several key insights about your story—accounts reached, impressions, content interaction, etc. Data from these story insights can help improve engagement and grow your business.

Can Someone Secretly View Your Instagram Story?

Some people use third-party apps and websites to view Instagram stories without the account owner’s knowledge. InstaStories is a popular website for secretly viewing and downloading stories of Instagram users with a public profile.

Instagram is a social media platform where users can post pictures and videos of their lives. You can view someone’s Instagram stories by using their username. This is a free platform, and you don’t even need an Instagram account to use it.

Instagram is a social media platform where users can post photos and videos. Recently, some third-party services have started prompting users to link their Instagram account to their app in order to view posts and comments. However, some of these services are unreliable and fail to work. Therefore, it is important to be cautious when providing your login credentials to third parties. ..

To view expired or deleted stories on Instagram or other third-party tools, you must use the Instagram app and have your account set up to expire in 24 hours.

There is currently no way to view the stories of Instagram users with a private profile—not even with third-party tools. They can always check who viewed their stories—there’s nowhere for viewers to hide. Likewise, you must be following a private account before viewing the person’s status.

How to Check Instagram Story Viewers After 24 Hours

Instagram is deleting your content after 24 hours. You can no longer access it from your profile or homepage. The content also becomes unavailable to your followers and public viewers. ..

If you post a story to Instagram and it disappears within 24 hours, you can see who viewed it 48 hours after it was uploaded. ..

If you want to remove a story from your profile, just click on the “X” next to the story. ..

Instagram may not be displaying the usernames of the people who viewed your story. That usually happens when the story has recently expired, after 24 hours. Closing and reopening the Instagram app might resolve the issue.

If you still can’t see the usernames of people who view your story, please wait for some minutes and check again.

Take Charge of Instagram Story Views

You can make your profile private by clicking on the “Profile” button in the top left corner of your Instagram account and selecting “Private.” If you want to share a story with a specific group of people, you can create a “Close Friends” list by clicking on the three lines in the top right corner of your account and selecting “Add Friend.” If you want to hide stories from specific people, you can do this by clicking on the three lines in the top right corner of your account and selecting “Hide Stories From.”

Make Your Instagram Private

To make your Instagram account private, follow these steps on your iPhone or Android device:

  1. Open the Instagram app.
  2. Tap on the three lines in the top left corner of the screen.
  3. Select Settings from the menu that appears.
  4. Under Account, tap on Privacy and then select Make My Account Private.
  5. Enter your password to confirm your privacy choice and then tap OK to save it. ..

We recommend that you remove followers who you don’t want to view your stories.

Create a Close Friends List

Creating a Close Friends list is a great way to share stories with a select few people. Only people on the list can view your story, so it’s private and confidential. Plus, you can add as many people as you want to your Close Friends list, so you always have someone to share your stories with. ..

To create a Close Friends list, you first need to be authenticated. To do this, you’ll need to provide your name, email address, and other information. After you’ve authenticated yourself, you can create a Close Friends list by clicking on the “Create List” button. Once you’ve created your Close Friends list, you can share stories with them by clicking on the “Share” button.

You can add people to your Close Friend list quickly by typing their username in the search bar and tapping Add to include them in your Close Friend list.

You can add people to your Close Friends list who you don’t follow and people you follow who aren’t following you.

Instagram doesn’t notify people you added or removed from your Close Friends list. When you share stories with your Close Friends, people on the list will see a green ring around your profile picture. That tells them they’re on your Close Friends list.

Hide Instagram Stories from Specific People

  1. Sign up for Instagram and create an account.
  2. Hide your stories from specific Instagram users by following them and hiding their posts from your account.
  3. If you want to keep your stories public, follow the specific Instagram user and post on their behalf.

Instagram is introducing new privacy features that will hide your stories from restricted users. These are currently the three effective methods to gatekeep your stories. We’ll update this article when Instagram introduces more story-related privacy features in the future. ..