This Facebook Page Like Box CSS POPUP will welcome your blog readers and instructs them to like your Facebook page to get all updates on a regular basis. By this means, your reader will take more interest in your page, and your Facebook page like will go high. Your readers can close this popup widget by clicking on the “[X] Close” button. The main feature of this widget is “no javascript”. So this widget will not take the extra load on your blog. This means your blog performance will not be compromised.

How to Use Facebook Like Box CSS Popup Widget

  1. Blogger Draft › Select Blog › Click on Layout › add HTML/Javascript widget › Leave widget title empty 2. Now paste the following code in the widget Note: Don’t forget to change FACEBOOK_FAN_PAGE_NAME with your own. For example, my Facebook Page name is “techprevue.”

Facebook Like Box CSS Popup Widget Code

One important thing is this widget works for all blogs and websites if you paste and save the widget code just abovein the HTML template.

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