If you’re expecting an important call, or perhaps awaiting a critical payment notification from PayPal, then you should be using their phone app to make the call. If you’re expecting a text from that one person you want to talk to no matter what you’re doing, then you should be using their text messaging app.

The good news is that the operating system provides extensive controls over what data, from which app, right down to who, actually pierces the DND veil. But before looking at and modifying the behavior of DND, let’s make sure that notifications are set up optimally. ..

Nullifying Nagging Apps

I want my notifications to be tailored to my needs, not just the needs of the app developer. Let me know if you have any ideas on how to make this happen.

If you have installed an app from a source other than the App Store, uninstall it and then re-install it.

This procedure and any other in this article can be performed on an Android phone running the latest version of the Android operating system. If you are not sure which version your phone is running, you can check the Android Open Source Project website to find out. To perform this procedure, you will need:

  1. A Phillips head screwdriver or a similar tool to remove the battery cover (if present) on your phone.
  2. A flathead screwdriver or a similar tool to remove the screws that hold the back of your phone together (if present).
  3. A thin piece of metal (such as an old credit card) to use as a cutting board or work surface.
  4. A soldering iron and solder (or other heat-resistant material).
  5. A magnifying glass or other optical device to see what is being done in the dark.

To change notifications for an app in the All apps list:

  1. Open the All apps list and scroll to the app you want to change notifications for.
  2. Tap it to open it.
  3. Scroll to Notifications and if notifications are on, the app will be labeled Allowed, if not, the label will say Blocked.
  4. Tap the app name and use the toggle button to set the desired notifications setting. ..

Controlling DnD with Priority Mode

Android’s Notifications system is disabled until you set up parameters to poke holes in the DND barricade.

  1. Open the phone’s settings and select “DND Exceptions.”
  2. Toggle on the “DND” option.
  3. Click on the “Activate” button.

To turn on your device: Tap “Turn on Now.” You can set up parameters with Allow Exceptions. ..

Scheduling DnD Mode

You can also set up DND to start and stop at specific times on specific days of the week. To do this, tap Turn on as Scheduled (or its equivalent) in the app’s settings.

After turning on scheduling, you can set which days you want DND to run and start and end times. On some Androids it may be different, but on my Galaxy Note 9, I cannot set different activation periods for specific days; it’s a one-fits-all scenario. I can, however, turn off DND whenever I want with the Turn on Now/Turn off Now toggle mentioned earlier. ..

Setting DnD Exceptions

There are so many important events that we turn our backs on during the day, and it can be difficult to know when it’s time to get up and start the day. There’s great comfort in having the ability to tell your phone, “Don’t bother me between 10 PM and 6 AM,” and then disappear for the night. But there are also oh so many possible important events that we turn our backs on at the same time.

Isn’t it nice that you can just say “Don’t bother me between 10 PM and 6 AM” to avoid any potential calls or texts? How about, “Hold all calls, texts, and emails, except those from my daughter’s maternity room at the hospital.”

If you have a Samsung phone, you can set up exception rules in the Notifications section of your Settings. If you have a Google Pixel or an Android phone, you can set up exception rules in the Do Not Disturb subsection of your Settings. ..

You can create exceptions for events and tasks on your phone by using the different types of alerts and notifications that each phone type and OS version handle differently. For example, if you want to send a text message to someone who is out of town, you can create an exception for that event. If you are working on a project that requires access to your phone during lunchtime, you can create an exception for that as well.

You can allow all text messages through, or only those marked as favorites (or “starred”) in your Contacts app.

If you want to restrict the receipt of messages and calls from only a specific group of people, you can do so by designating them as favorites in your Contacts app.

If you have a busy schedule and don’t want to miss important calls, the Repeat Callers option can help you keep in touch with people who are important to you. ..

If you receive a second call from the same number within 15 minutes of the first call, with Repeat Callers turned on, DND will allow the call to go through. Granted, this is not a foolproof system, but it’s an option. ..

Lots more to do

Some devices, like the iPhone, don’t seem to be able to handle Do Not Disturb. For those devices, I’ve created a basic guide on how to turn it off.

Android can be configured to not turn on the screen when receiving notifications, or to only show pop-ups when the user is already engaged in an activity on their device. ..

Android can notify you when it needs your attention, but there are other ways to let it know. What we covered here should get you started. ..