After creating a new password on a site one day, I started thinking about how different all the requirements were. Some sites want passwords no shorter than 3 characters and some enforce a minimum of 8. Some want symbols, some don’t. Some care about your name and previous passwords, other don’t. So which password is really strong?

First, it’s important to remember that the strength of your password is just as important as the strength of the encryption that hashes it into gibberish. Second, different passwords will have different strengths depending on how complex they are and how many characters are in them. ..

The study found that the average password is composed of only 8-10 characters and that it is easy to guess. The study also found that the most common passwords are easily guessed by humans and are not very strong.

Test Your Password First

To crack your supposedly strong password, we’ll use a tool on the PassFault site.

The first option is called “Encrypt All Traffic.” This means that your password will be used to encrypt all of your traffic, so that no one can see what you are doing or what websites you are visiting. The second option is called “Decrypt All Traffic.” This means that your password will be used to decrypt all of your traffic, so that you can see what websites you are visiting and what information they are sending to the server. ..

The Cracking Hardware password protection defaults to a $900 password attacker, which is possible for a legitimate hacker. They also have the option to choose a $180,000 password attacker, which the Chinese might be using if it’s that expensive. The Password Protection drop down gives you a few options for the type of encryption used to store the password. Microsoft Windows System is the weakest, no surprise there. You then have Wireless WPA Access Point, UNIX SHA1, UNIX Blowfish, and 100 rounds of SHA1.

I was shocked to find that my strong password could be easily cracked in just one day. ..

The best way to protect your password is to use a strong, unique password that uses a variety of different characters and numbers.

What Makes a Password Strong?

The Carnegie Mellon study found that passwords with 16 characters or more are the most secure. ..

password: Not convinced that passwords are secure? Check out the PassFault site, which has a simple 15-character password that’s easy to remember. ..

The $180,000 password attacker will be able to break the Microsoft Windows encryption using a dictionary attack. ..

Password security is important, especially if you want to keep your information safe. A password that is too short or easy to guess can be easily broken, so it’s important to use a strong password that includes both symbols and letters. A longer password is also more secure because it takes more time and effort for someone to guess it. For example, a password like “hellohellohello” would be much less likely to be guessed than a shorter password like “password123”. ..

It’s going to be in the dictionary and it’s the same word three times. In my first password where I profess my love to my wife, the sentence quickly starts looking like gibberish to a computer and no cracking dictionary has that 15 character phrase as a word. Dictionaries have dictionary words so as long as you avoid straight dictionary words, you’ll be good to go. My password could have been even better if I used my wife’s name or a nickname for her instead of the word “wife.” Get the idea?

Obviously, if you can throw in a number of symbol into a long password too, then the password becomes even more ridiculously strong. For example, let’s say I put an exclamation point in front of my wife password and added one number to the end. Then how long would it take to crack with the same options: password = “exclamation point” password2 = “1”

Wow! It went from 1 month 7 days to 4 centuries and 1 decade!!! Yeah, centuries!!! Now that’s a secure password and it’s not very hard to remember. So check your password using this free online tool and if your password is getting cracked in a few days time, it might be time to think of something new, especially for your sensitive information like banking passwords, etc. ..

Remember, don’t use easily guessed passwords on online sites like Facebook or Google. Even if the encryption is very weak, a super computer could easily crack it in a matter of minutes! If you tried your password on the site while reading this post, let us know how long it would take to crack it. Enjoy!