If I am typing in C:\Documents and Settings\username, I would need to type in C:\Documents and Settings\username\USERNAME.TXT and then press the TAB key.

As you can see, the only folder that starts with “doc” is automatically completed with quotes added. Now that’s pretty neat. If you want to continue further, just add another \ to the end and then press TAB. Note that you can add the forward slash after the quote and it will still work just fine. ..

You can continue through the different folders and files in a directory by pressing the TAB key. So if you type in C:\ and then keep pressing the tab key, you will be able to cycle through all the folders and files in that path in alphabetical order, i.e. C:\Documents and Settings, C:\Program Files, etc.

In Windows XP, autocomplete will work automatically when you press the TAB key. ..

Enable Autocomplete for Command Prompt

Step 2: In regedit, open the following registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon Step 3: In the right pane, click on the “ImpersonateUser” key. Step 4: In the left pane, click on the “Password” key. Step 5: Type in your new password and press OK. In Windows XP, you would open the Registry Editor by typing regedit in Windows Explorer. In Windows 7 and higher, just clicking on Start and then type regedit.

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon

The Local Machine key will apply to all users on the computer, but will be overridden by the Current User key if the value is different.

You can change the settings in both locations if you like, but it is really only needed in the HKCU key for autocomplete to be enabled.

Step 3: Double-click on the CompletionChar key and change the value to 9 in decimal format. CompletionChar enables folder name completion.

You can also enable file name completion by changing the value of PathCompletionChar to 9. Note that the value 9 or 0x9 in hexadecimal is to use the TAB control character for autocomplete. You can also use other keys if you like. ..

For example, you can use the following key combinations to press CTRL + D and CTRL + F: 0x4 = CTRL + D 0x6 = CTRL + F

You can use the same control character for both file and folder completion if you like. In this case, autocomplete will show you all matching files and folders for the given path, regardless of the type of file or folder.

The default value in Windows 7, Windows 8 and higher is 0x40 (64 in decimal) in the HKLM key. It should be set to 0x9 (9 in decimal) in the HKCU key by default, which means it will be enabled. If not, you can manually go and change it.

This is a great time saver for anyone who has to type a lot of DOS commands. If you have any questions, feel free to post a comment. Enjoy!