To enable Instagram dark mode on an Android device:

  1. Open Instagram and sign in.
  2. Under the “Settings” tab, select “Appearance.”
  3. Scroll down and select “Dark Mode.”
  4. Toggle on the “Dark Mode” checkbox.

How to Enable Dark Mode on the Instagram app

If you want to keep your other smartphone apps from turning dark or using an Android version that doesn’t support system-wide dark mode, this method is perfect for you. ..

Instagram is introducing a new dark mode, which will make the app more comfortable to use at night. You’ll need to update your Instagram app and your device’s operating system to Android 10 or higher in order to use the dark mode. ..

After you complete the steps below, your computer will be ready to use. ..

When you use the System Default setting on your Android phone, Instagram will sync its theme to the theme of your Android operating system. This way, it will change automatically between modes. ..

If your Instagram’s interface colors change after following these steps, you may need to update your app.

How to Enable System-Wide Dark Mode on Android

To enable dark mode on your Android device, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Android system settings.
  2. Scroll down to the “Android” section and click on the “Settings” button.
  3. Under “Screen” tab, select “Dark Mode.”
  4. Click on the “Apply” button to finish setting up dark mode for your Android device.

To enable the system-wide dark mode on Android, pull the notification tab down and select Dark mode.

If you leave the theme setting on System Default, Instagram will turn the dark mode on automatically.

How to Enable Dark Mode on Other Apps on Android

Many social media apps now have a dark mode feature that lets you turn off the light theme. If you want to use the dark theme on one of these apps, you can do it by selecting the option in the app’s settings.