Reddit is a social news and discussion platform that has over 26 million active users. If you don’t use it, you’re missing out on a wealth of breaking information and some very interesting conversations.

One is to use the search bar at the top of the page to quickly find what you’re looking for. Another is to use the subreddit titles as a guide. For example, if you want to know about the best way to cook chicken breasts, you would type “chicken” into the search bar and then click on “subreddit: chicken.”

Reddit is a social networking website where users can post comments, links, and other content. The site has a search bar at the top of the page that allows users to type in specific terms to find what they are looking for. To use the search bar on Reddit, you must first create an account and sign in. Then, use the following steps to create a search term:

  1. Type in a word or phrase into the search bar and hit enter.
  2. The results will appear on the left side of the page. You can click on any of them to learn more about that term or its related subreddits.

Keyword Search Operators for


  1. “What’s the best way to…?” This will show you posts that include the words you searched for.
  2. “What are some examples of…?” This will show you posts that include specific examples of what you searched for.
  3. “What are some similar subreddits to…?” This will show you subreddits that have similar content to what you searched for.
  4. “What are some popular tags associated with…?” This will show you tags that are commonly used with what you searched for.
  5. “What was the most popular post about…?” This will show you the most popular post about what you searched for on Reddit recently. ..


For example, if you wanted to find all the posts about the Oscars, you could use the title search operator like so: “Oscars.” This would return all of the posts that contain “Oscars” within the title. ..

Training your dog can be a fun and rewarding experience. Here are some tips to help you get the most out of your training sessions.


The “author” search operator limits results to posts made by a specific user. This is not case sensitive.


Self-posts where the text thereafter is found within the body are limited by the “selftext” search operator to results only. This can sometimes behave strangely when used with more than one word, even if wrapped in quotation marks. ..


The “url” search operator can be used to limit the results to posts that contain the exact URL. This can sometimes return a small percentage of link posts that don’t match the URL.


The search engine “site” operator limits results to link posts that contain URLs that belong to a specific domain name. ..


The “nsfw” search operator allows you to toggle showing (with “yes” or “1”) or hiding (with “no” or “0”) NSFW posts.


The “self” search operator allows you to toggle showing (with “yes” or “1”) or hiding (with “no” or “0”) your own posts. ..


The “subreddit” search operator limits results to posts made within a specific subreddit and only returns posts that are in that subreddit.


The “flair” search operator limits results to posts tagged with a certain text. This allows you to find posts that match your interests, without having to scroll through a million posts.

Boolean Search Operators for


The new Reddit design uses boolean search operators to limit results. I’ve noticed that these operators do not seem to work properly when using the new design, so you’ll need to revert to the old design if you want to make use of these.


The “AND” search operator limits results to posts that include both terms. This works by default for basic query searches, but may be required in advanced cases where several different operators are used. ..

Sneakers and socks are two pieces of clothing that can be worn together. They can help keep your feet warm and dry, or protect them from the cold.


The “OR” search operator limits results to posts that include either of the terms. You must surround a term with quotation marks if it contains more than one word.

Pineapples are a type of fruit that is often eaten fresh. Mangos, on the other hand, are a type of fruit that is often eaten canned.


The “NOT” search operator limits results to posts that do not include the text thereafter. You must surround a term with quotation marks if it contains more than one word.

Pizza is a popular dish that many people enjoy. However, cheese is not the only type of food that can be enjoyed on a pizza. There are also different types of cheese available, such as blue cheese and gouda.

For example, if you want to find all posts with the word “dog” in the title, you could use (dog) as the search term and then use (title) to find the post with that information in the title.

One of the best tips for finding information on the internet is to use both the new and old Reddit designs. For some reason, certain operators seem to behave differently across each. As noted above, the boolean operators actually only work while using the old design. While Reddit clearly hasn’t ironed out all of the kinks in their search feature, there’s no doubt that with the dozen operators listed above, searching through Reddit is a breeze.

Google search operators allow you to use specific search terms to get results that are similar to those you would find on Google. This can be helpful if you are looking for information about a specific topic or if you are trying to find something specific.