Who has to think, blog and blogger will contribute to the world of education. If you do not know what is a blog? In short, a blog is a website (personal) that contains the content (articles) organized like a diary or journal. A blog displays published blog posts in reverse chronological order. Thus, the most recent blog post remains at the top. Education is the soul of a human being. It exists in diverse forms. So are the educational blogs. Top educational blog sites are important sources for teachers, students, parents, etc. These serve as a great way to extract information depending on the need. In addition, blogs are a great resource to connect and share information worldwide. You can get relevant information from educational blogs. As you all know, education is the core of all hearts. So are the blogs. There is a wide variety of blogs on the internet. If you explore it, you will get multiple of it, which can benefit you. Blogs can be considered a “Resource creator” and “Resource giver.” Before getting some insights about the best educational blogs in today’s world, let’s briefly talk about what a blog is? A blog can be considered a personal diary where a person documents, shares experiences, or creates articles and publishes them. A blog contains entries published in reverse chronological order to get the most recent post at the top. In the blog, every blog post has a publishing and updating date. So, now as you have become aware of what a blog is. Let’s move on to some best educational blogs for the teachers and the students.

After putting some effort, I found these 30+ top educational blog sites publishing overall rich content. Let’s explore them.

Top Educational Blog Sites

Firstly, we will talk about and take insights into some top educational blogs meant for the teachers.

Educational Blogs for Teachers


This blog is for all educators. The mission and goal of this blog are to use and apply innovation in education. It also focuses on establishing and promoting collaboration and connection to enhance learning and make effective use of the resources in the classroom. Blog: weareteachers.com

Cool Cat Teacher Blog

This blog was founded by Vicki Davi, a professional teacher who writes about sometimes inspirational, sometimes practical, but is always helpful for students, teaching, and everyone who reads with new enthusiasm. As the name suggests, this blog makes teachers cool by transforming them into excellent educators. This blog provides various ideas, tips, techniques, and motivation to become an extraordinary teacher in the classroom. Through this blog, the teachers learn to use technology effectively in the teaching process. The blogger of this blog also educates the students on how to use new tools and makes them enthusiastic learners. The blogger is an educator and IT director at Westwood Schools in Camilla, Georgia. He started this blog in December 2005. Blog: coolcatteacher.com

Free Technology for Teachers

The prime purpose of this blog is to share information on the topic/subject of free resources that educators can use in their classrooms. As a result, this blog has won many awards from several publications. For example, awarded the Edublogs Award for “Best Individual Blog,” Best Ed Tech Support,” and Best Resource Sharing Blog” in 2010. Blog: freetech4teachers.com

KQED MindShift

This blog focuses on enhancing learning. It fosters the best ways that the teachers can use to guide the students and provide the best education. It covers areas like analyzing the role and use of technology, innovation in racial and gender discrimination in education, socio-emotional learning, and mental health. The vision is how teachers use technology and innovation to make learning effective. It is a service of KQED, launched in 2010. Its senior editor is Ki Sung. Blog: kqed.org/mindshift

TeachThought K-20 Education Blog

This blog throws light on the discovery, exploration, and creativity in K-20 education. The vision is to guide educators and teachers for innovation in the teaching-learning process for people of the 21st century. It shares resources and views for K-20 teachers. This blog creates the design for learning models, school models, curriculum, pedagogy, technology, and other tools that help learn by collaborating with others. Blog: teachthought.com


Richard started this blog in 2007 in compliance with a PD course done with the Great Maine Schools partnership. He aims to conduct workshops for teachers, create lesson plans for technology-based teaching for the teachers, and provide free resources to make their teaching effective. He also writes about and creates content on educational technology. Blog: freetech4teachers.com

Teachers Pay Teachers

This blog is a hub where teachers and educators buy, sell, and share original resources. The aim is to motivate the teachers to provide original resources and content to enrich teaching and learning becomes effective. Blog: teacherspayteachers.com

The New York Times

This blog creates a network of learning between teachers and students. It provides various resources for the teachers to bring practical teaching and learning processes into the classroom. It helps the students to learn through activities. Blog: nytimes.com

Teacher Network

This blog contains news about teachers, comments, and the guardian’s viewpoint to improve the teachers’ performance and work on the downsides. This blog mainly contains content created by teachers and experts in the education sector. It is for teachers to enhance their performance, keeping in mind the viewpoint of guardians. Blog: theguardian.com

Larry Ferlazzo

This blog focuses on the websites that aid in teaching ELL, ESL, and EFL. In addition, this blog provides English education to interested learners. Blog: larryferlazzo.edublogs.org


As the name suggests, this blog is for all the teachers who are too busy with their chores. It provides them with printable worksheets free of cost. These worksheets cover grammar, vocabulary, reading, listening, writing, and speaking. The worksheets will be segmented into grammar categories to make it easy for you to explore and get. Blog: busyteacher.org

Model Teaching

This blog provides diverse courses keeping the quality factor in mind. It is basically to improve the performance in the teaching process. Training is also provided to the teachers to implement suitable methodology and tools in the classroom. Through this, the teaching-learning process would be effective. Blog: modelteaching.com

Shake Up Learning

Kasey Bell owns this blog. This blog lets readers get insights about educational technology, digital learning material, tips, ideas, tutorials, Google cheat sheets, and much more. This blog is of great help to educators across the globe. Blog: shakeuplearning.com

Truth for Teachers

Angela Watson creates this blog in the year 2003. The mission is to share ideas about doing practical teaching and learning by doing in the classroom. It helps the teachers to develop a positive attitude and mindset towards their work. It fosters love and commitment towards their work by making the whole teaching-learning process fun. Blog: truthforteachers.com

Practical Ed Tech

It’s Richard Byrne’s blog. This blog aims to teach the teachers and make them aware of the technology. It fosters the creation of tech-savvy teachers so that they can apply technology in their teaching practices and methods. Using technology in education creates effective learning. Blog: practicaledtech.com


It is a leading U.K.-based educational blog that has covered around 4 million classrooms across the globe. Million people are reading this inspiring blog. Teachers read this blog to enrich their teaching process and bring innovative and creative ideas to their classrooms. The blog aims to develop the teachers’ minds to progress their mindset and imply effective classroom strategies. Blog: teachertoolkit.co.uk These are some of the best and most useful educational blogs for teachers.

David Warlick’s 2 Cents Worth

Set up by David, who describes himself as a non-traditional teacher grappling with a fascinating world, he had no reason to expect. This blog mainly focuses on technology in education, but David also branches out often into education policy with real-world uses. Blog: 2cents.onlearning.us Now coming towards the best educational blogs for the students, given below are a few of them:

Educational Blogs for Students

Warwick | The Careers Blog

This blog is basically for students. Students can connect with employers for leading growth in their careers. It also aids in developing skills, attitudes, and thoughts about the future. Students can read various information on multiple topics and subjects. All informative content is helpful for the students. You can read excellent articles related to teaching and education on this blog every week. Warwick, the careers blog, engages online readers by providing great information, facts, and stats on different subjects and topics. Every article posted on this blog is informative and practical. Blog: warwick.ac.uk

Inside Higher Ed

This great blog is a virtual platform for educational news, creative ideas, and jobs for higher education students. You can find various jobs here. In addition, the articles created on this blog will provide you with factual information about adaptability in a particular job. Blog: insidehighered.com

Khan Academy Blog

This blog offers varied information. It provides practice worksheets, instructional videos, and an individualized learning dashboard for learners. As a result, learners have the flexibility to study at any place of their choice. It provides solutions for mathematics, science, computers, history, art, economics, and other subjects. It also includes content related to K-14 and provides tutorials for preparing tests. This blog provides the learners to enhance their knowledge through enriching skills. Blog: khanacademy.org

University Blog

This blog is beneficial for students. It provides information about the career, tips, and scholarship. It also includes information related to education and admission. Blog: univariety.com

Emerging Internet Technologies

It is one of the leading and quickest growing technology related to the internet education. This blog provides ways and tricks to engage students through the internet. It also helps in developing and building learning outcomes with instructional-based internet technology. Blog: emergingedtech.com


This blog is related to expanding students’ potential through a growth-oriented and flexible education system. It also focuses on helping the students plan their higher studies and choose a career related to it. This blog also helps students identify their strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT). In addition, it provides them counseling, training, and workshops for the students to achieve their career-oriented goals. Blog: campushunt.in/blog These are some influential educational blogs for the students.

Educational Blogs for both Students and Teachers

Some blogs are highly beneficial for both the teachers and the students. Here are a few of them:

eLearning Industry

Both students and teachers will find it helpful. It provides the best articles, concepts, resources, and software on a virtual platform. If you are looking for an informative and knowledge-sharing hub, read it with millions of eLearning professionals. Different learners on the same platform worldwide can connect and share their knowledge and resources with others. Blog: elearningindustry.com

Discovery Education

This blog created many digital textbooks for students and motivated the teachers to make the teaching-learning process enriched. It also helps in inspiring students by providing them with flexible and quality education. It offers online content for all sectors, including rural, urban, and suburban. Blog: discoveryeducation.com

U.S. Department of Education

A U.S.-based blog whose mission is to prepare students for achieving their goals. It also helps them to prepare for worldwide competition through excelling in the field of education. It ensures equal accessibility for all, which is a remarkable feature of this blog. Blog: blog.ed.gov

Primary Education Blog

It’s a U.K.-based blog that is highly trustworthy by all the global teaching communities. Students get accessibility to the teacher-created content. It helps in inspiring and motivating the teachers towards effective teaching. Its evaluation resources enrich learning effectively. Blog: twinkl.co.uk

The Chalk Blog | Learners Edge

It is an informative blog that motivates teachers to enhance their quality and performance in teaching. Moreover, the Chalk Blog enlists the courses and disseminates information shared by the teachers, which might help you a lot. Blog: learnersedge.com

Ditch That Textbook By Matt Miller

This blog was created and developed by Matt Miller. As the name suggests, it aims to ditch the textbooks. Its mission is to shift your dependency from textbooks towards innovation, creativity, and technology through practice teaching. This would enhance your skills by learning better than just receiving bookish knowledge. It also focuses on learning by doing rather than being confined to textbooks. Blog: ditchthattextbook.com

Simpliv Blog

This blog serves as a dual platform. It provides courses for both learning and how to teach online to the students. The available courses are high-quality, enriched ones created by authors, educators, coaches, and business leaders. It has been effective since July 2019. Blog: simpliv.com


It is one of the best educational blogs for students and teachers that provides factful information based on education, news, career tips, etc. It also inspires, directs, and leads the students to achieve their goals by maximizing their inner potential. Blog: flashschoolgist.com

Final Thoughts

These were some of the best and frequently updated top and best educational blogs one must explore. These blogs are a repository of fact full and knowledgeable information, which is helpful for both the teachers and the students. The list is comprehensive. But, amongst the vast list, these are some of the enriching sources of knowledge that we have explored. The educational blogs mentioned above are a great way to enhance teaching and learning and the potential in education. Blogs are a great source to learn. Go for some of these and try extracting valuable information. And if you are looking for more sources, this list of podcasts for teachers can help you further develop your educational skills.

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